Ergonomic Myths: What Works and What Doesn’t

By Ryan Fogel,

Little tile pieces reading "myths" and "facts" being held by two hands

Many employers strive to use ergonomics in the quest to build a healthier and more productive workplace. But with so many voices out there, it’s easy for misinformation to spread. There are a lot of misconceptions out there about what ergonomics is and how it should be implemented. That’s why today we’re going to debunk some common ergonomic myths and clarify what truly works to enhance workplace wellness.

One Size Fits All

One of the most prevalent myths is that a single ergonomic solution can suit everyone. In reality, ergonomics is highly individualized. What works for one person might not suit another because of differences in body size, personal preferences, and specific job tasks. Effective ergonomics must consider individual needs, which is why ergonomic assessments are essential to identify the right equipment and configuration for each employee.

Ergonomics Is Just About Good Chairs

While a good chair is crucial, ergonomics extends beyond just seating. It encompasses the entire workstation setup, including desk height, monitor position, keyboard placement, and even lighting and noise levels. Ergonomics aims to optimize all aspects of the work environment, promoting a dynamic posture and movement that help to prevent fatigue and injury.

Ergonomics is Expensive

Another common misconception is that ergonomic improvements require a significant investment. In truth, not all ergonomic solutions are costly. Simple adjustments, such as repositioning a monitor, using a footrest, or organizing the workspace to minimize reach and strain, can have substantial benefits. Investing in custom ergonomic solutions can save you money in the long run by reducing medical costs and improving employee productivity.

Ergonomics Isn’t a Priority for Business

Some businesses may believe that ergonomics isn’t crucial to their operations. But they’re mistaken. Investing in ergonomic best practices is not just about health; it’s a business strategy that leads to improved employee performance, satisfaction, and retention. Implementing sound ergonomic practices can reduce the risk of injuries, decrease absenteeism, and boost overall morale and efficiency.

At Accredited Rehabilitation consultants, we know that understanding and implementing effective ergonomic practices is key to a thriving workplace. By dispelling these myths, we help companies see the real value of ergonomics. If you’re looking to create a healthier, more efficient workplace, Accredited Rehabilitation Consultants can help. We sell ergonomic office equipment and perform ergonomic evaluations. We’ll ensure your investments in workplace health are based on facts and tailored to your specific needs. Contact us today at 323-930-699 to learn more

  Filed under: Ergonomics Office Design
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Top 3 Ergonomic Tips for Short People

By Ryan Fogel,

Business woman using laptop computer in office

If you’re on the shorter side, you know full well how hard it can be to find the right office equipment. Chairs are too tall, not allowing you to place your feet on the floor, while desks are too high, forcing your wrists to type at an awkward angle. However, it’s not impossible. Here, we provide our top three ergonomic tips so that you can work in comfort.

Get an office chair of low to medium height

The biggest complaint that people have about their office chairs is that they’re too tall. For short people, this is especially true. Your office chair should allow your feet to touch the ground. You can accomplish this with a chair that is of medium height or less. Additionally, getting an office chair that has an adjustable height will allow you to lower it to the right level for you.

Get a keyboard tray or desk converter

Even if your office chair is the right height, your desk may not be. Many people find that with their shorter chair, their feet may touch the ground, but they’re too low to make typing comfortable. This is where a keyboard tray comes in. You can place your keyboard and mouse on top of it so that it is at a comfortable height. A desk converter can also accomplish this by lowering your keyboard below your desktop.

Adjust your screen monitors

If you’re straining your neck upwards to look at your computer screen, you will soon wind up with neck problems. Instead, adjust your screen monitors so that it is 15 degrees below the horizontal line (or, where your eyes are positioned). This way you are not craning your neck up too high or too low.

At Ergonomic Evaluations, we can help you find the right ergonomic equipment for you. Contact us today to learn more.

  Filed under: Ergonomics Office Design
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How to Help Your Employees Return to the Office

By Ryan Fogel,

employees working in an office

Many of us have been working from home for over two years now. However, that is starting to change. More and more companies are bringing their employees back into the office. After over two years working from home, though, this can be a rough transition. Thankfully, there are ways to help your employees return to the office and make the transition as seamless as possible.

Ask your employees for feedback

Your employees will likely experience varying levels of anxiety when returning to the office. Some may be perfectly fine, but others may be nervous about changing their routines and being around other people again. As you’re crafting your policy, get employee feedback and be open to accommodating different employee needs.

Offer flexibility

As we know, many workers are leaving their current employers for other opportunities, often for more flexible workplaces. Even if you want your employees to work in an office, you should consider offering flexible options. For instance, you can allow them to work from home a certain number of days per week. Many workplaces are creating nomadic workplaces where employees can come and go as they please.

Create a safe and comfortable environment

When your employees are in the office, you want to ensure they feel safe and comfortable. While COVID-19 numbers are down, it is still present in our society. Make sure that desks are spaced out and that you have means to check for early signs of COVID-19. Additionally, workspaces should be flexible for those who may be both working in the office and at home.

Workspaces should also have ergonomic equipment to promote comfort and productivity. Thankfully, Accredited Rehabilitation Consultants can help. We offer ergonomic evaluations to help you build a safe and comfortable environment. Contact us today to learn more.

  Filed under: Ergonomics Office Design
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How to Set Up an Ergonomic Computer Workstation

By Ryan Fogel,

How to Set Up an Ergonomic Computer Workstation

Good ergonomics can improve your health and productivity. After all, you can’t do your best if you’re uncomfortable. Unfortunately, many computer workstations are not ergonomically friendly, putting the health of many workers at risk.

Below are some of our tips to creating an ergonomic computer workstation:


The Monitor

You’ll be staring at a monitor for several hours, so you might as well be comfortable while doing so. To properly position your computer monitor, place the screen at a 15-degree down angle from your eyes. Then, push it back as far as you can without harming your ability to read what’s on the screen. Finally, be sure to position your monitor at a right angle to any light sources to minimize glare.

The Keyboard

In addition to the monitor there is the keyboard. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a major concern for many desk workers, but by properly positioning your keyboard, you can minimize your risk. Place your keyboard slightly below your elbows. As you type, your wrists should remain straight as you sit in a (slightly) reclined position.

The Mouse

Finally, there’s the mouse. While we don’t often think of our mouses, they can cause fatigue and strain to our wrists, hands, and arms. The mouse should be positioned at the same level as your keyboard. Keep it nearby the keyboard so that you don’t have to reach too far to use it. Additionally, you should not be using a wrist rest while you’re using your mouse or, for that matter, your keyboard. Wrist rests are meant to rest your wrists during a break—they are not meant as supports.

If you need help creating an ergonomic computer workstation, contact Accredited Rehabilitation Consultants today to sign up for our ergonomic evaluations.

  Filed under: Ergonomics Office Design
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Benefits of An Ergonomic Stapler

By Ryan Fogel,

Staplers are excellent tools that can be used in the office, home, or store. There are many staplers out there, but there are special ones that have been made with ergonomics in mind. Electric staplers, for example, are decently built and offer many ergonomic benefits for the office or home.

Better Stapling Capacity

Most electric staplers are able to fasten more pages together compared to manual ones. There are products that can even staple upwards of 70 sheets instantly, making them great for use with thick documents.

Eliminates Pain

Manual staplers can be painful to use, especially when large documents or many different documents have to be stapled together. Not only do they cause sore hands, but they also contribute to repetitive motion conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome. An electric stapler saves staples documents automatically, helping you to avoid excess pain and preventing work-related injuries.

Saves Time

Electric ergonomic staplers generally save more time compared to manual staplers. Manual staplers are rough on the hand and can take a long time when working with large stacks of papers. An electric stapler can fasten pages together in a split second. This ensures you get more time for more productive activities, rather than spending a large chunk of the day or week stapling papers together.

Improves Accuracy

After you have managed to get your papers together by hand, chances are you will not be accurate with your stapling. For example, staples may be placed too close or too far to the paper edges, or even mangled if your stapler isn’t able to handle the amount of paper being processed. This can be solved with an electric stapler because it is able to staple accurately every time.

There’s a Device for All Kinds of Offices

There are many different types of electric staplers on the market. One of the best names in the market is Swingline, a company that has become popular for their range of high-quality electric stapler products. Swingline has been in the business for years and produce many great products for the office like Optima 70 and 45 (the numbers refer to the sampling capacity of each product) and the Speed Grip, a portable stapling device that runs either that runs on outlet power or on battery. If you want to make your own booklets, you will find some electric stapling machines that are capable of performing center-stitch stapling.

For recommendations for a suitable electric stapler and to achieve an optimal ergonomic workstation, it is important to hire a Specialist to examine your current workplace.  At Accredited Rehabilitation Consultants, we can evaluate your current workspace, find ways to make it more ergonomic, and then provide and install the necessary equipment to do so. To learn more, contact us today!

  Filed under: Ergonomics Office Design, Ergonomics Products, Workplace Injury Reduction
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Benefits of an Ergonomic Chair

By Ryan Fogel,

For several years, the significance of ergonomics and good posture has been understated. However, with more and more research and data released, it is apparent that the sitting conditions we practiced in our younger years have notable effects on our health as we get older.

Aching joints, back pains, and other severe problems can all be influenced by the chair we use, both at work and at home. Thankfully, ergonomic seating has been established to help solve the long-term health problems related to seated posture, and it is a subject that is worth paying attention to.

Pain from Bad Posture

A lower back herniated disc is one of the most common issues associated with sitting in a traditional chair. How does this happen? A bulk of your weight is placed on your hips or lower back as you sit in a chair, which becomes a strain on your hips or lower spine over time.

Your upper body weight pushes down on the base of your spine as well as the surrounding ligaments and muscles, causing pain after several years. Normally when you experience back pain, you respond naturally by hunching forward. This stretches the ligaments that hold your disc in place. Over time, your discs begin to push out to the nerves of your spinal column because the stretched ligaments are incapable of keeping the base of your spine any longer. The pressure causes a lot of pain, which may result in needing physical therapy or surgery.

Benefits of an Ergonomic Chair at Home

An ergonomic chair is important for use at home because of the number of hours most people spend in front of their computers. Ergonomic seating at the home has become just as important as in the office. Here are some benefits ergonomic chairs have to offer:

It promotes a neutral seated posture: Many people have developed incorrect posture as a result of the way they sit on traditional chairs. With ergonomic chairs, these problems are well taken care of. It comes with the features essential to sufficiently support your posture while sitting. Moreover, the chair’s height can be adjusted so that your feet sit flat on the floor.

Comfortability: Unlike normal chairs, you can sit in ergonomic chairs and feel comfortable throughout. If the features don’t make you comfortable, you can adjust them individually till they fit your needs.

It mitigates problems associated with neck pain: If your neck is not supported while sitting for extended periods, you’ll develop stiff neck and shoulders. This can cause complications like cervical spondylosis. Headrests are an ergonomic chair feature that provide support the head and neck and is beneficial for people who spend time on the phone.

It reduces the risk of back pain: Since ergonomic chairs come with a backrest that supports the spine’s natural curve, they help to keep the back relaxed and free of pain. They are higher than traditional chairs and support the entire back. They also come with a reclining function that make it easy to rest at an angle beyond 90 degrees.

Reduces pressure on the hips: The hard surface of normal chairs makes sitting uncomfortable and cause unnecessary contact pressure on your hips. An ergonomic chair has a good seat depth that helps to support the hips and buttocks.

An ergonomic chair is worth the investment to prevent future issues concerning posture and overall physical health.

At Accredited Rehabilitation Consultants, we can evaluate your current workspace, find ways to make it more ergonomic, and then provide and install the necessary equipment to do so. To learn more, contact us today!

  Filed under: Ergonomics Office Design, Ergonomics Products
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Benefits of Improving Typing Posture

By Ryan Fogel,

The use of computers every day is now part of our lives at work, home, school, or business. An office employee spends, on average, 95% of the day working on a computer, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

Neck, shoulder and back pain, along with eyestrain and injuries to the hands and wrists can be as a result of working at a computer. They are altogether known as RSIs, repetitive strain injuries. These injuries can cause prolonged and severe pain, resulting in movement impairment and muscle weakness. Typing ergonomics have become more important than ever because of the high risk of severe RSIs among computer users.

What Does Ergonomics Mean?

The word ergonomics takes on a more precise definition in regards to typing. It refers to taking on the right position while typing to avoid RSIs and body stress to achieve optimal comfort.

People who haven’t used typing software or have no formal typing training are commonly at a higher risk of developing typing related injuries. Ergonomics will help you prevent painful RSIs following the “three P’s” of typing.


Awkward movements of the hand can result in muscle strain and damage. It is necessary to position your hand and arms properly over the keyboard. Let your keyboard be positioned at a height that facilitates this. You may have to adjust your sitting height as well.

Also, place the backs of your hands parallel to the keyboard to avoid wrist strain. While you type, let your forearms be at the same level as your keyboard and your elbows supported and resting comfortably by your side.


Avoid slouching while using a computer, to prevent pain and injuries. Try to keep your spine neutral, with the three natural curves of the spine present and not overly arched. Plant your feet on the floor, if necessary, adjust your chair height with a footstool. Let your head be positioned directly above your pelvis while you keep your shoulders relaxed.


An ergonomic workstation set up should be functional and comfortable. Place your monitor slightly lower than your eye level or just at your eye level. You will be forced to strain your neck if positioned at a level higher than the eye.

Choose an ergonomic chair that gives lumbar support. While you sit, it can generally help your spine to hold its curve. Also, position your desktop to provide enough room for your keyboard and mouse. A restricted space doesn’t give you enough room to type and causes uncomfortable and incorrect positioning.

Typing daily shouldn’t result in physical stress or prolonged pain. Abiding by these simple ergonomic principles will create and maintain a comfortable and safe work environment.

To achieve an optimal ergonomic workstation, it is important to hire a Specialist to examine your current workplace.  At Accredited Rehabilitation Consultants, we can evaluate your current workspace, find ways to make it more ergonomic, and then provide and install the necessary equipment to do so. To learn more, contact us today!

  Filed under: Ergonomics Office Design, Ergonomics Training, Industrial Injuries
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Benefits and Why You Need to Utilize a Footrest

By Ryan Fogel,

Back injury is the second most common reason why employees miss work in the U.S. after the common cold. Statistics from the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics shows workers who sustained ergonomic injuries require at least two weeks off to recuperate, leading to loss of manpower and income.

A great way to support employees at their desk is with an ergonomic footrest. This kind of footrest is essential to any style of desk and can significantly improve the comfort and overall well-being of workers.

The Benefits Associated with Ergonomic Footrests

A footrest at first glance might not make sense in terms of the day-to-day business operation, but it can be an addition that makes the difference in terms of the impact it on your overall seated posture.

Use of an ergonomic footrest can provide the following benefits:

1. Boosts circulation

Sitting for many hours has been found to impede the circulation of blood around the body. With an ergonomic footrest, the chances of developing circulatory problems diminishes. Poor circulation can lead to health complications, so it is important to notice if you feel increased fatigue.

2. Promotes a neutral seated posture

Considering how much time (30min to 1 hr) the average American spends slouching, this can negatively impact posture, resulting in back pain and limiting productivity. Back pain brought on by poor posture is said to cost American employers more than $7 billion per year. It is also responsible for major disabilities among employees under 45 years of age. Ergonomic footrests help to maintain a good sitting posture and improve the health of your spine.

3. Reduces the risk of lower back issues

Back problems significantly impact productivity. According to the World Health Organization. The leading cause of health-related economic drain is low back pain, which costs over $100 billion yearly. This issue leads to indirect costs from absenteeism and costs associated with lost production, idle assets, and benefits.

4. Improves comfort levels

Several studies reveal that employees that are more comfortable are more productive. Adding a footrest can reduce strain and encouraging better posture, preventing leg discomfort in the process.

Different Kinds of Footrests

A good ergonomic footrest should elevate your feet at a height perfect for your body. There are different types for movements, such as tilting, swinging, swaying, or rocking. The most basic products can give you a comfortable place to set your feet and stretch it out.

Even with those the use of a standing desk, a footrest can provide much-needed relief. Ergonomic footrests can improve standing time on a standing desk by up to 30 percent.

To achieve an optimal ergonomic workstation, it is important to hire a Specialist to examine your current workplace.  At Accredited Rehabilitation Consultants, we can evaluate your current workspace, find ways to make it more ergonomic, and then provide and install the necessary equipment to do so. To learn more, contact us today!


  Filed under: Ergonomic Injury, Ergonomics Office Design, Ergonomics Products
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