How to Set Up an Ergonomic Computer Workstation
By Ryan Fogel,

Good ergonomics can improve your health and productivity. After all, you can’t do your best if you’re uncomfortable. Unfortunately, many computer workstations are not ergonomically friendly, putting the health of many workers at risk.
Below are some of our tips to creating an ergonomic computer workstation:
The Monitor
You’ll be staring at a monitor for several hours, so you might as well be comfortable while doing so. To properly position your computer monitor, place the screen at a 15-degree down angle from your eyes. Then, push it back as far as you can without harming your ability to read what’s on the screen. Finally, be sure to position your monitor at a right angle to any light sources to minimize glare.
The Keyboard
In addition to the monitor there is the keyboard. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a major concern for many desk workers, but by properly positioning your keyboard, you can minimize your risk. Place your keyboard slightly below your elbows. As you type, your wrists should remain straight as you sit in a (slightly) reclined position.
The Mouse
Finally, there’s the mouse. While we don’t often think of our mouses, they can cause fatigue and strain to our wrists, hands, and arms. The mouse should be positioned at the same level as your keyboard. Keep it nearby the keyboard so that you don’t have to reach too far to use it. Additionally, you should not be using a wrist rest while you’re using your mouse or, for that matter, your keyboard. Wrist rests are meant to rest your wrists during a break—they are not meant as supports.
If you need help creating an ergonomic computer workstation, contact Accredited Rehabilitation Consultants today to sign up for our ergonomic evaluations.
Filed under: Ergonomics Office Design
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