Accredited Rehabilitation Consultants Blog

Little tile pieces reading "myths" and "facts" being held by two hands

Ergonomic Myths: What Works and What Doesn’t

      Ryan Fogel    Filed under: Ergonomics Office Design

Many employers strive to use ergonomics in the quest to build a healthier and more productive workplace. But with so many voices out there, it’s easy for misinformation to spread. There are a lot of misconceptions out there about what ergonomics is and how it should be implemented. That’s why today we’re going to debunk

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business woman at desk holding neck in pain

Why Smart Companies Invest in Ergonomic Equipment

      Ryan Fogel    Filed under: Ergonomic Injury Prevention

In a competitive business landscape, it’s important for smart companies to always be on the lookout for strategies to enhance productivity and employee wellbeing. Investing in ergonomic equipment is one such strategy that has been proven to boost efficiency while also fostering a healthier workplace. Here’s why incorporating ergonomic solutions is a wise choice for

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doctor and nurse examining documents

Ergonomics in the Healthcare Industry: Why It Matters

      Ryan Fogel    Filed under: Uncategorized

Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) can occur in any industry, but especially so for those in the healthcare industry. Nurses, doctors, sonographers, and other healthcare professionals spend their days handling equipment, dealing with patients, and staying on their feet. All of these factors can lead to back and shoulder pain and, eventually, WRMSDs. Thankfully, there is

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woman holding shoulder that is in pain

How to Prevent Shoulder Pain

      Ryan Fogel    Filed under: Ergonomic Injury

You’re sitting at your desk, trying to get work done, yet your shoulder is screaming in pain. You take a few pain killers and that helps, but you wind up dealing with the same thing the next morning. What can you do? Thankfully, shoulder pain can be prevented. Here are some tips that can help:

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person typing on keyboard

Benefits of an Ergonomic Keyboard

      Ryan Fogel    Filed under: Ergonomics Products

If you do a lot of typing, consider purchasing an ergonomic computer keyboard. With it, you will save your hands and wrists from unnecessary pain and discomfort. Conventional keyboards force you to keep your fingers, arms and hands in unnatural positions for long periods that can cause tension in muscles, tendons and joints. Working in

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Business woman working on laptop computer at office

How to Improve Work Posture While Sitting

      Ryan Fogel    Filed under: Ergonomic Injury Prevention

On average, most of us spend up to 12-13 hours daily sitting in front of the computer. What we may not be aware of is just how much our poor posture is affecting our health. There are many negative impacts of poor posture on our bodies, including: rounded shoulders, potbelly, muscle fatigue in the neck

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Clean Communication in ConEd

      Ryan Fogel    Filed under: Uncategorized

The Value Of Clear Communication With Patients Cannot Be Overstated A day in the life of a physical therapist is usually quite fast paced, with busy schedules that involve treating several patients at different stages of their visit simultaneously, filling out reports, responding to calls and emails, and handling any other unexpected events that may

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Evidence Based ConEd

      Ryan Fogel    Filed under: Uncategorized

Physical Therapy Continuing Education Courses Should Be Based On Evidence To Provide The Greatest Value To Participating Therapists Physical therapy continuing education is one of the most integral facets of the practice. Although it is a requirement in most states for retaining one’s license, physical therapists should view continuing education as an ongoing learning opportunity

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office with workers talking and working with one another

How Investing in Ergonomics Saves Money

      Ryan Fogel    Filed under: Ergonomics Risk Management

Businesses that seek to be successful always must manage a variety of work costs, such as supplies, labor, bookkeeping, inventory, and more. One area that is often overlooked is the cost of workplace injuries. According to a news release from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2016 alone, there were more than 2.9 million nonfatal

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