How to Organize Your Home Office

By Ryan Fogel,

How to Organize Your Home Office

Many Americans have now permanently switched from working in an office to working from home. However, in order to stay productive, you need a proper home office and workspace. Organizing your home office can help you do just that. Here’s where to start:

Purge what you don’t need

Papers, notepads, pens, and other junk can quickly pile up. Before we know it, our desks are overflowing with month-old reports. Take some time to go through your entire workstation and sort through items you need and items you don’t need. Whatever you no longer need, either throw it out or shred it.

Invest in drawer organizers

Drawer organizers can be a life-changer. Even after purging your workstation of old items, you will likely still have pens, pencils, folders, and other items that you want to keep long-term. Organizing these items will not only keep your desk clutter-free, but it will also make it easier to find those items in the future.

Get a bulletin board or white board

If you’re like most people, you probably need to write notes and reminders for yourself throughout the day. If you don’t want these notes cluttering your desk, you can invest in a bulletin board or white board. Not only are they great for notes, but you can also use them for to-do lists, business cards, calendars, and more.

Color code

When you start organizing items in your drawers and around your desk, you should take the extra step of color coding everything. This will make it easier to find necessary items if you’re in a rush. You can use your system for your document holder, your drawer organizer, and even the notes you keep on your bulletin board or white board.

At Accredited Rehabilitation Consultants, our ergonomic evaluations can help you create the perfect home office. Contact us today to learn more!

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How to Set Up a Home Office in a Small Space

By Ryan Fogel,

How to Set Up a Home Office in a Small Space

Due to the coronavirus, we have said goodbye to our cubicle and hello to home offices. While working in our yoga pants and PJs sounds fun, the reality of work-from-home is much different. Most of us don’t have spacious studies or home offices to take advantage of. Instead, we live in small houses or cramped apartments that weren’t built for us to live and work in.

Here we discuss how you can set up a home office no matter how small your space is:


Check for outlets

Chances are that you need a workspace with access to electricity. Unless you want cables strewn about your floor, you should aim for an area that is nearby an electrical outlet. If you can’t get near an outlet, then keep the wires and cables along the wall so that they don’t become a tripping hazard.

Purchase the right desk

If you don’t have a large space, then you shouldn’t get a large desk. However, there are small desks that can maximize the space you have. Corner desks, for instance, take up very little floor space but offer plenty of room to work on. You could also purchase a floating desk or a small writing desk that can be pushed up against the wall.

Use vertical storage

Your small desk likely won’t be able to store much of your supplies. Vertical storage can be the solution. Set up a few floating shelves above your desk for you to keep your pens, papers, and other office supplies. This will free up floor space while keeping your home office compact.

At Accredited Rehabilitation Consultants, we offer ergonomic office equipment that can fit into any space. Contact us today to learn more!

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How to Design a Healthy Home Office

By Ryan Fogel,

How to Design a Healthy Home Office

For most of us, the coronavirus has forced us out of our office buildings and into our homes. While there is certainly an appeal to working at home, it’s important that you build yourself a healthy home office to keep yourself productive and fit during this time. Here we provide you with a few tips to get you started:

Use a desk

When you start working from home, there is the temptation to just do all of your work on your couch or in your bed. However, if you are able, it is highly recommended that you use a desk instead. Doing so will improve your posture and your productivity, ensuring that you get your work done instead of laying around on the couch.

Bring in some natural light

It has been proven time and time again that the more natural light we are exposed to, the happier and healthier we are. Natural light can also make us more productive, boosting our energy levels and encouraging us to get our work done. So, draw open those drapes and let in some sunlight before you get to work.

Find the right chair

If you work a desk job, then you’re going to be spending most of your ours sitting. While you should try to get up and walk around throughout the day, you will have to spend some of your hours in a chair. So, make sure that chair is a comfortable one. Opt for ergonomic furniture that has plenty of back support to keep your posture tall and upright.

Adopt some plants

The natural world can do wonders to our health and well-being. This is true with sunlight as well as plants. Installing just a few potted plants around your home office can boost your mood, energy levels, and productivity.

At Accredited Rehabilitation Consultants, our ergonomic furniture and evaluations can help you build a healthier home office. Contact us today to learn more.

  Filed under: Ergonomics at Home
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