Benefits of Improving Typing Posture

By Ryan Fogel,

The use of computers every day is now part of our lives at work, home, school, or business. An office employee spends, on average, 95% of the day working on a computer, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

Neck, shoulder and back pain, along with eyestrain and injuries to the hands and wrists can be as a result of working at a computer. They are altogether known as RSIs, repetitive strain injuries. These injuries can cause prolonged and severe pain, resulting in movement impairment and muscle weakness. Typing ergonomics have become more important than ever because of the high risk of severe RSIs among computer users.

What Does Ergonomics Mean?

The word ergonomics takes on a more precise definition in regards to typing. It refers to taking on the right position while typing to avoid RSIs and body stress to achieve optimal comfort.

People who haven’t used typing software or have no formal typing training are commonly at a higher risk of developing typing related injuries. Ergonomics will help you prevent painful RSIs following the “three P’s” of typing.


Awkward movements of the hand can result in muscle strain and damage. It is necessary to position your hand and arms properly over the keyboard. Let your keyboard be positioned at a height that facilitates this. You may have to adjust your sitting height as well.

Also, place the backs of your hands parallel to the keyboard to avoid wrist strain. While you type, let your forearms be at the same level as your keyboard and your elbows supported and resting comfortably by your side.


Avoid slouching while using a computer, to prevent pain and injuries. Try to keep your spine neutral, with the three natural curves of the spine present and not overly arched. Plant your feet on the floor, if necessary, adjust your chair height with a footstool. Let your head be positioned directly above your pelvis while you keep your shoulders relaxed.


An ergonomic workstation set up should be functional and comfortable. Place your monitor slightly lower than your eye level or just at your eye level. You will be forced to strain your neck if positioned at a level higher than the eye.

Choose an ergonomic chair that gives lumbar support. While you sit, it can generally help your spine to hold its curve. Also, position your desktop to provide enough room for your keyboard and mouse. A restricted space doesn’t give you enough room to type and causes uncomfortable and incorrect positioning.

Typing daily shouldn’t result in physical stress or prolonged pain. Abiding by these simple ergonomic principles will create and maintain a comfortable and safe work environment.

To achieve an optimal ergonomic workstation, it is important to hire a Specialist to examine your current workplace.  At Accredited Rehabilitation Consultants, we can evaluate your current workspace, find ways to make it more ergonomic, and then provide and install the necessary equipment to do so. To learn more, contact us today!

  Filed under: Ergonomics Office Design, Ergonomics Training, Industrial Injuries
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Industrial Injuries

By Ryan Fogel,

An industrial injury is a repetitive or specific work-related musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) or an injury where pain interferes with normal work activities or daily living activities. Industrial injuries can occur suddenly by means of a workplace accident or over time as a result of many factors, including:

Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSIs) can occur when a worker performs a task that uses the same large or small muscles over and over, with little chance for rest or recovery;

Risk factors that increase the chance of RSIs include:

  • Lack of variety in job tasks;
  • The worker not being accustomed to the task, and
  • New workers who have not be sufficiently instructed on how to safely perform the task.

Force/Gripping injuries can occur when:

  • Workers grasp, tools or object that are too large, odd-shaped, vibrating or an awkward shape.
  • When the worker is wearing bulky gloves or the worker’s hands are cold.
  • When workers use a pinch grip to grasp small objects.

Hand and wrist tendons and muscles tire much quicker when workers use a pinch grip rather than a power grip. And much more pressure is exerted on soft tissue, such as muscle, tendons, ligaments and nerves. Over time, these can cause debilitating industrial injuries.

Awkward Posture/Kneeling injuries can occur when any joint of a worker’s body bends or twists excessively, outside a comfortable range of motion. This puts stress on muscles, tendons and joints.

Static Posture injuries can occur when an awkward posture is held for a long time, causing muscle fatigue, because:

  • Fatigued muscles ache because of a lack of circulation from holding a static posture for too long.
  • Fatigued muscles can lead to increased discomfort, spasms and even injury.

Local Contact Stress occurs when:

  • A hard or sharp object comes in contact with the skin.
  • A worker strikes objects sharply with the hand, foot, knee or other body part.

Local contact stress can irritate soft tissue and interfere with circulation and nerve function, especially when:

  • The hard object comes into contact with an area with little protective tissue, such as the wrist, palm, or fingers.
  • When the pressure is applied repeatedly or over a long period of time.

Vibration exposure can occur:

  • While using power tools in multiple occupations and settings, (e.g., automotive repair shops, construction work, engineering, dental care, etc.)
  • When hands are exposed to very high frequency vibrations, such as dental technicians and dentists.
  • The whole body being exposed to vibrations such as shocks, jolts, lateral sway and vertical bouncing, while driving equipment.

Vibration from power tools can place stress on the tissues of the fingers, hand and arms, which can cause such conditions as Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS), arthritis or tendonitis. It can also cause changes in muscle fibers, which can result in impaired grip force, reduced mobility and pain in the hand and arm. Whole body vibration (WBV) from driving puts stress on the feet, buttocks and spinal tissues, which can cause cumulative trauma, repetitive stress injuries, chronic wear and even sudden shock syndrome injuries.

What is an Ergonomic Injury?

Industrial injuries caused by ergonomic hazards are also known as ergonomic injuries. Ergonomic injuries are very commonplace now because industries require increasingly higher rates of production, which can result in such ergonomic hazards as:

  • Workers frequently lifting, carrying, pushing or pulling loads unassisted by fellow workers or devices;
  • Increasing specialization that require workers to perform repetitious functions or movements over extended periods of time, day after day;
  • Workers being required to work more than 8 hours a day, which leads to fatigue;
  • Workers being required to work quicker on fast assembly lines; and
  • Workers having to handle tools or objects requiring a pinch grip or excessive force.

Preventing Ergonomic Risks that Lead to Industrial Injuries

The likelihood of developing industrial injuries is dependent on the frequency and duration of exposure to ergonomic risk factors. The following are a few common ergonomic injuries and simple remedies that can reduce or eliminate them:

Injury Simple Remedy
Neck Pain Electronic telephone head set, upright document holder.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) Special keyboard, voice activation software.
Chronic Pain Implement rest or stretch breaks, alternative task assignment.
Awkward Position/Kneeling Changing workstation layouts to minimize twisting, raising or lowering work surfaces and storage spaces to minimize reaching, bending and kneeling, providing proper seating for low level or kneeling work and providing knee pads for workers that need to kneel.
Repetitive Stress Injuries Eliminating excessive force and awkward positions, providing safe and effective job procedures, allowing workers to rotate between workstations and tasks (job rotation).
Putting remedies in place alone will not reduce the risk of industrial injuries. Workers will also require proper training on how to perform their job duties safely and ergonomically.

Ergonomic Consulting Services in Los Angeles

An employer needs to take into consideration all aspects and areas of the workplace in order to develop a practical approach of proactive planning and assessment to reduce and eliminate industrial injuries. Accredited Rehabilitation Consultants can help. We employ a four-phase process of pairing low-cost, high-impact solutions to real problems.

To help reduce industrial injuries, Accredited Rehabilitation Consultants provides such ergonomic consulting services as:

Call Accredited Rehabilitation Consultants at 323.930.6599 or contact us online for more information on how our services can greatly reduce industrial injuries and increase workplace morale.

Resource: What is an industrial injury?

  Filed under: Ergonomic Injury, Ergonomic Injury Prevention, Industrial Injuries
  Comments: None